There were a lot of unknowns when I first started and I went down a lot of wrong paths as I tried to get my bearings.
Overview of the Compendium: an introduction to the compendium and it's present functionality. KeywordSearch Notebook returns all lines containing a given keyword. CharacterDialogue Notebook returns all the dialogue for a given character name. Run the command jupyter notebook from the dragonage_compendium folder and navigate to the notebook folder to directly interact with these files. To double check you're using the right environment enter this command: conda -info envs and there should be a * by the environment name, da_sql. To activate the conda environment, type conda activate da_sql and press Enter To create the conda environment from the yml file, type this into the terminal: conda env create -f dac.yml and press Enter. Inside of this folder there is a file called dac.yml which contains information on the Python version and packages needed to use the Compendium's functions. Create the conda environment by following these steps (you only need to do this the first time): Navigate to the folder where you saved the dragonage_compendium. Installing Pythonĭownload Anaconda and follow installation direction If you haven't used Python before, that's ok! There are directions below on how to install and get going with Python using Anaconda. Download the repository as a zipfile and extract it to a folder on your computer (such as 'Documents'). There are also some Python functions that make searching for keywords or returning character dialogue easy. These can be downloaded and manipulated however you'd like. There are csv and raw text files of the dialogue and codices in the data folder. I am currently working on something similar for DA2 and DA:I, essentially creating a searchable corpus that spans across the games, but for now it's just Origins. What are she and her mother doing in the Wilds? Are they Chasind?ĭaveth (said as if anyone should know that witches are terrible, terrible people): We encountered a creepy woman named Morrigan who says her mother has them, but I don't trust her.ĭuncan (curious, asking for more information from his soldiers): Duncan (a bit concerned, there shouldn't be a problem):Īlistair (exasperated, but trying to be cool about it all):